- Purchase a laptop that can run Windows 10. A base model is OK as we just need to visit a website and run software from the 1990s.
- Purchase (if you don’t have one) a Bendix King KL94 GPS upgrade cable type 050-03612-0000
- Amazon has one here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01CC5DBD8/
- Purchase (if you don’t have one) a USB to serial adapter.
- The club has a Trip Lite USA-19HS that is confirmed to work with the software
- Amazon has a replacement available at https://www.amazon.com/Tripp-Lite-Keyspan-High-Speed-USA-19HS/dp/B0000VYJRY/
- Install a fresh copy of Windows 10 on the laptop, if able.
- Apply all Windows 10 patches to latest. (This is good practice in general)
- Install “Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 x86” and “Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2008 x64”
- The files for both can be found easily via searching the names in Google
- Additionally, inside vcredist_x86 and vcredist_x64 they can be found as vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe respectively.
- Install the Driver for your USB to serial adapter.
- If using a Trip Lite USA-19HS the driver can be found at https://www.tripplite.com/support/USA19HS
- A driver is also attached as usa-19hs-driver-v4-windows-2008-server-r2-7-8-8.1-and-10
- Install the GPS loader from Bendix King.
- Log onto Wingman services and get the Windows 7 Compatible GPS Database Loader.
- Our Account Key (GPS Identifier) BE228944
- The loader is also attached inside the Win-7_compatible_GPSDatabaseLoader-1.0 as Win-7_compatible_GPSDatabaseLoader-1.0.exe