- Visit Bendix King’s Wingman Services at https://wingmanservices.bendixking.com/wingman/pages/wingmanLoginPage.jsp
- Click on download your database…
- Prepare your download.
- We are US and Canada
- Our Account key is BE228944
- ENTER THIS CAREFULLY! We have a limited number of downloads and the GPS will not accept the update if it is incorrect.
- Download the Database. This will result in a file called Database.exe
- If not on the GPS loader machine, transfer the database file to the laptop used for loading.
- Plug the round end of GPS uploader cable into the GPS. It goes into the circular hole above the PROC button.
- Plug the square end of the GPS uploader cable into the USB to serial adapter. Tighten any screws down
- Insert the USB to serial adapter into the USB port of the laptop used for loading.
- Power on the laptop and log in and launch the GPSLoader program. (It should be on the desktop)
- In the GPS loader program select the KLN94 Button, and select the Database.exe file you downloaded
- Make sure the radio button is on the “KLN94 AM USA is connected to the PC’s COM Port using a Data Loader” option.
- Press OK
- Verify the COM port in the Use COM port line is correct. It usually should read “3”. If needed change the com port.
- Power on the aircraft’s Master and Avionics Master, and wait for the GPS to finish it’s startup checks.
- To prevent draining the battery unduly you may want to power down the radios and transponder.
- Accept the GPS’s startup checks by pressing ENT on the GPS.
- On the GPS, use the right outer knob to go to the SET (setup) page, and use the inner knob to go to SET 3
- If done correctly you should see “Update Pub DB” as the last item in the display window.
- Verify the GPS Key ID is BE228944
- On the GPS, press the CRSR button and “Update Pub DB” will now be Flashing
- Press ENT on the GPS and the GPS will display the estimated load time.
- Press START on the Laptop
- Press ENT on the GPS to approve the load
- The Update will take approximately 15-20 minutes. When it is done the GPS will display “Publish Aero Database Uploaded”
- Press ENT to acknowledge the upload and then power down the aircraft avionics via the Avionics Master, and then the Master
- On the laptop, delete the Database file you used to upload, as it’s not needed anymore.
- Power down the laptop
- If you desire, power the aircraft back up, and confirm the Database dates are correct on the GPS startup screens.
Attached to this article is the KLN94 GPS manual, which also contains the directions on updating the GPS
KLN94 Manual